About Us


Our vision is to be globally recognized for dedicated service to our customers and to improve the quality of life for the common man through our specialized products and services.

We aim to make a positive impact in many ways: through our brands, our commercial operations and relationships, through voluntary contributions and through the various other ways in which we engage with society.


With feet firmly planted on today and with foresight into the future , the Team of Directors at Omni have been intrinsically involved in the field of Ethoxylates for more than a decade and understand fully well the ever growing need for quality products that are optimally priced and backed up by professional service.

With a team of sincere & accomplished professionals dedicated to quality, excellent machinery, assiduous research & aggressive marketing, we look forward to continued growth in the years to come.

Manufacturing & Quality Control

OMNI IMPEX PVT. LTD. has a well defined system for Quality Control & Quality Assurance, which includes control checks at all stages of manufacture, timely calibrated equipment & methods and continuous training & skill up-gradation of all personnel.

The plant can handle high pressure and high temperature reactions and features the latest utility & waste handling systems.

Our rigorous process control system and stringent on-line checks monitor product quality and performance at all stages.

It is always our endeavour to provide quality products to our customers and this is reflected in our day to day workings and work culture.